Monday - Friday 07:00-15:00 +421 907 828 604
Center of prenatal ultrasonographic diagnostics

3D-4D ultrazvuk

3D/4D zobrazenie

3D - 4D ultrasound

3D ultrasound predstavuje ultrasonografickú metódu zobrazovania plodu alebo jeho štruktúr trojrozmerným spôsobom. Skratka „3D“ znamená „trojrozmerné (trojdimenzionálne)“ zobrazovanie. Výsledkom 3D zobrazenia je priestorový, ale stacionárny (nepohyblivý) obraz štruktúry plodu.


4D ultrasound, na rozdiel od 3D ultrazvuku, predstavuje trojrozmerné zobrazovanie v reálnom čase. „Štvrté D“ v skratke „4D“ je „čas“. Preto 4D ultrazvuk umožňuje vidieť v trojrozmernom zobrazení aktuálne pohyby plodu alebo jeho štruktúr.

3D/4D ultrazvuk sa môže vykonať kedykoľvek počas tehotenstva a môže byť  doplnkom konvenčného 2D (dvojrozmerného) ultrazvuku. Limitujúcimi determinantmi 3D/4D zobrazovania, a v podstate to platí aj pre 2D ultrazvuk, sú rôzne faktory, ako hrúbka brušnej steny pacienta, jazvy v skenovacej oblasti, poloha placenty, poloha plodu, nedostatok plodovej vody, atď. Kvalita výsledného zobrazenia je preto u rôznych pacientiek premenlivá a v niektorých prípadoch je dokonca nemožné 3D/4D vyšetrenie vykonať .

3D/4D ultrasound is often used as an effective method of fetal demonstration to the parents, which undoubtedly is an unforgettable emotional experience. But first of all, these modalities are used as a medical diagnostic tool. 3D ultrasound enables to count more precise volumes of various organs or pathological structures. It also allows better visualization of fetal skeleton, to judge some superficial fetal anomalies, e.g. cleft lip, tumors, neural tube defects, etc. (of course, these anomalies can also be seen in classical 2D imaging). Some special 3D/4D imaging techniques, like for example "STIC" (Spatio Temporal Image Correlation), enable detailed representation of cardiac anomalies, and so on.

It is important to emphasize the fact, that there is no such fetal anomaly requiring exclusively 3D or 4D ultrasound for its detection, and the classical 2D ultrasound still represents the main diagnostic tool of prenatal ultrasonographic examination.

3D ultrasound - third trimester of pregnancy

HDlive 3D imaging of a fetus at 30 weeks of gestation

HDlive 3D imaging of a fetus at 30 weeks of gestation

HDlive 3D imaging of a fetus at 30 weeks of gestation

HDlive 3D imaging of a fetus at 30 weeks of gestation

HDlive 3D imaging of a fetus at 30 weeks of gestation

HDlive 3D imaging of a fetus at 30 weeks of gestation

HDlive 3D imaging
Detailed image of fetal ear at 30 weeks of gestation

Classical 3D imaging
Detailed image of fetal ear at 30 weeks of gestation

Classical 3D of a fetus at 30 weeks of gestation

Following images demonstrate comparison of prenatal ultrasound images with postnatal appearance of the newborn.

3D imaging of a fetus at 30 weeks of gestation

After delivery...

3D imaging of a fetus at 30 weeks of gestation

After delivery...

(published with kind permission of the parents)

3D ultrasound - first trimester of pregnancy

3D imaging of a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation

3D imaging of a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation

HDlive 3D imaging of a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation

HDlive 3D imaging of a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation

HDlive 3D imaging of a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation

HDlive 3D imaging of a fetus at 12 weeks of gestation

Following "funny images" of a 12-weeks-old fetus demonstrate possibilities of work with a volume data set acquired by 3D ultrasound. It is possible to choose any direction of view, demonstrate any imaging plane, or cut away those parts of the volume hindering view of desired structures. Such adjustment of the 3D images can be done offline, directly in the ultrasound machine or in a computer.

HDlive  3D imaging of a 12-week-old fetus
:) Who is living in this small house?

HDlive 3D imaging of a 12-week-old fetus
:) I'd like to know who is waiting for me out there...

HDlive 3D imaging of a 12-week-old fetus

HDlive 3D imaging of a 12-week-old fetus