Monday - Friday 07:00-15:00 +421 907 828 604
Center of prenatal ultrasonographic diagnostics

Pregnancy calculator

Výpočet vhodných termínov vyšetrenia

Výpočet odhadovaného termínu pôrodu

Dátum prvého dňa poslednej menštruácie


Hodnota CRL* v mm


Dátum vykonania ultrazvukového merania CRL


* CRL (Crown Rump Length) is fetal length measured from the top of the head (crown) to the bottom of the buttocks (rump), obtained by ultrasonographic examination. If the CRL measurement is available, it is possible to add its value into calculator together with the date when the CRL measurement was done. In this case the calculator will provide more appropriate results, especially in cases, when the date of the last menstrual period is unknown or unsure. Also, both parameters (CRL and last menstrual period) can be entered to the calculator and both results can be compared. If the results are different, and the difference between them is bigger than seven days, it is more precise to keep to the calculation of the gestational age according to the CRL measurement.

Poznámka: ak bola hodnota CRL zadaná na začiatku, konečná tabuľka uprednostňuje výpočet dátumov podľa hodnoty CRL.